Keep Energy vs Climate on the air. Donate ×


Your tax-deductible donation helps to keep Energy vs Climate on the air.

Energy vs Climate is a project of the Academy for Sustainably Innovation (Charitable Business Registration Number: 789760675R R0001. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for all donations totalling over $10 in a calendar year.

Your support goes to:

  • Paying to host our website
  • Hosting our podcast RSS feed
  • Paying our producer to run the website and produce, edit and post and market the podcast

Energy vs Climate uses Zeffy to process our donations. Zeffy is the only platform for non-profits that gives us 100% of your donations. In exchange, they ask for a contribution to support their services. If you would prefer not to contribute, please make sure you select "other" and input $0 in that section of the donation form.

As a project of a Canadian-based charity, we are unfortunately not able to offer receipts for US or international-based donors at this time. Please know that we greatly value your contribution.

Thank you!